Sigma Test© by prof. S. Buzzelli
It's a test designed , validated and standardized by prof . S. Buzzelli , to investigate the specific resistance of an athlete in general or in particular a tennis player , who is done with the SensoBuzz . Execution are involved both the metabolic aspect is the attentional aspect . The exercise is performed on half court tennis organized as shown in Fig . 1 . Fig. 1 The test, which is carried out by performing specific stroke displacements, also involves the ability to focus and maintain the concentration. The candidate, following the rhythm imposed by SensoBuzz, must move with strokes shuttle (round trip) from a central point called "base" toward a goal called "target" and come back. The return to the "base" must correspond to the reception of a new signal from SensoBuzz. The targets are five, and are placed in a semicircle at 5.50 meters away radially from the "base" and places at certain fixed points of the tennis court.
They are associated with five different signals, which by convention have been set in three and two visual sound. The test is incremental starting from a slow emission rate (a signal every 5 sec.), Which allows the examinee to adapt to the testing being able to move easily enough during the time interval that elapses between one signal and the other. For every minute the emission frequency increases with consequent adjustment of the travel speed. The test ends when the student will be manifest inability to sustain the pace imposed by the instrument. Upon the occurrence of this event, counting the number of executed signals, you will get the specific speed reached and its approximate value of maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max).
Executive Protocol The student has when standing on the "base" ready to take action at the first sign. When it issued the first signal, he will head the race to the corresponding target, touches his foot space immediately adjacent to the "finish line" and with a decisive change of direction without turning your back to the midfield network, return to the "base" predisposing to perform the relative displacement at the next signal. The movements must follow in the specific running technique, as if you were playing tennis, soccer or other sports, according to the rhythm set by the instrument. The proper execution of the action involves the concatenation of run-stop-restart avoiding breaks in which you remain firm on the "base", waiting for the next signal. The introductory minute, just serves to allow the student to properly adapt the speed of movement to the rhythm of the signals. For every minute the SensoBuzz decreases of 0.2 seconds, the rhythm of issue, by ensuring that the displacement speed should be increased .. For each signal corresponds to a complete shift round trip of 11 meters ie 5.50 meters to go and as many to return to the "base." The instrument counts the number of "shuttles" and the total work time. The displacement errors to a target other than that specified, are permitted and will be recorded by the examiner during the test run. It 'also possible that the student is avveda error and correct heading in the right direction. Of course errors cause uncertainty and hesitancy in moving, requiring the student to small steps to save space and stay in the test pace. At the end of testing, a high number of errors, it will be materialized in a supplementary effort determined by the sum of the accelerations, with the consequence of a reduction in the overall prestativa capacity. The test ends when the student, is still close to a finish line while outputting a new signal, which lag so that they are unable to fill with any racing acceleration. Register: the number of strokes shuttle performed correctly (corresponding to the number shown on the instrument display) in addition to the chronological count of the mistakes made during the test. To obtain a reliable assessment of organic resistance, the test must be made for at least 5 minutes. It goes without saying that a fit athlete performs a high number of shuttles making record few or no sequence errors.